Struck by a car as a pedestrian or a cyclist? How do you pay for Rehab?

Ottawa Accident Lawyer–If you are an Ontario  pedestrian or a cyclist who was struck by a motor vehicle in Ottawa, there is accident benefit insurance that can help you.  If you do not have car insurance, accident benefit insurance is available to almost anyone injured in an Ontario accident.  Your personal injury lawyer will be able to tell you if you are qualified to receive this kind of insurance.  If you are, your lawyer will help you with the process of benefiting from this insurance which will help you pay for your rehabilitation from your injuries.

Also, if you don’t already have insurance and you also don’t live with someone does, you will most likely be covered by the insurance of the driver who struck you.  Most car insurance policies include provisions that provide some degree of insurance for anyone struck by the vehicle in an accident.  If the driver does not have proper insurance, there is still insurance available which your personal injury lawyer will be able to explain to you.

A personal injury lawyer will be able to point you in the right direction and will help you get the rehabilitation you need.  In the event that you are struck by a car as a pedestrian or a cyclist don’t automatically assume that you will be left to pay for your rehabilitation on your own.  There are a variety of ways for you to receive insurance even if you are not currently protected by an existing insurance policy.  Your personal injury lawyer is there to help you find the appropriate kind of insurance that will help cover the costs of treating and recovering from your injuries.  Being in a car accident as a pedestrian or cyclist can be a frightening and overwhelming experience.  A personal injury lawyer can help you find the right kind of insurance which will help to ease the burden of your injuries.

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